Practical information


  • This summer school will accept 70 participants, in person.
  • In addition to the 15 lectures, participants will work in small groups on projects related to the lectures.
  • There will be two round table discussions.

Venue and dates

  • The school will take place at the observatoire océanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer ( The lectures will be given in a 120 seat amphitheater. We will also have smaller break-out rooms and discussion areas.
  • Lodging and meals will be available on-site (
  • The school will last from Monday, July 21, 2024 to Friday, August 1, 2025. The lodging at the venue will be available during the week-end (July 26 and 27), but there will be no lecture and no meals.
  • Banyuls-sur-mer is located 40 km south from Perpignan and 215 km north from Barcelona. Perpignan may be reached by train (TGV) from Paris and major cities in France, as well as from Barcelona (Spain). Local trains run on a regular schedule between Perpignan and Banyuls. The ride takes half an hour and the school venue is a 15-minute walk from Banyuls station. If you travel by air, you can fly to Perpignan airport from Paris. At the airport you will find a bus shuttle to go to the Perpignan train station and there trains to Banyuls. Flying to Barcelona, which is connected to Perpignan by TGV, is an option to consider.

Location of the venue

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