Preliminary program

Part I. The Methods

Lecture 1 — A general introduction to machine-learning methods

  • Content: neural networks; supervised / unsupervised learning; deep learning; adversarial methods; the AI perspective.
  • Confirmed speaker: Adeline PAIEMENT (Université de Toulon, France).

Lecture 2 — Applications of machine-learning methods to ISM / galaxy studies

  • Content: image processing; parameter inference; foreground / background separation.
  • Confirmed speaker: Dalya BARON (Carnegie Observatories, USA).

Lecture 3 — Informational measures and performance bounds

  • Content: introduction to information theory (Shannon entropy, mutual information); application to variable selection; performance criteria for estimation (frequentist and Bayesian); bounds (Cramer-Rao, Fano, Bhattacharyya, etc.)
  • Confirmed speaker: Antoine ROUEFF (Université de Toulon, France).

Lecture 4 — Application of Bayesian methods to ISM / galaxy studies

  • Content: model fitting; model comparison; image reconstruction; Bayesian fusion / cumulative knowledge; hierarchical models.
  • Confirmed speaker: Pierre CHAINAIS (École Centrale de Lille, France).

Lecture 5 — Challenges of numerical simulations of the ISM / galaxies

  • Content: the physical ingredients; the resolution challenges; a review of state-of-the-art codes; the exascale perspective.
  • Confirmed speaker: Simon GLOVER (University of Heidelberg, Germany).

Part II. Theory / Microphysics

Lecture 6 — Dust physics

  • Content: optical properties (observations, theory, laboratory data); state-of-the-art dust models; dust evolution in the ISM.
  • Confirmed speaker: Emmanuel DARTOIS (ISMO, Orsay, France).

Lecture 7 — Atom & molecule physics, synthetic models

  • Content: HII regions; PDRs; diagnostics of the physical conditions; topology, heterogeneity of the medium; radiative transfer; state-of-the-art codes; synthetic multiline models.
  • Confirmed speaker: Javier GOICOECHEA (CSIC, Madrid, Spain).

Lecture 8 — The origin of the IMF and the feedback from star formation

  • Content: numerical simulations of the star formation process; the origin of the IMF; the feedback from star formation.
  • Confirmed speaker: Anna MCLEOD (Durham University, UK)

Lecture 9 — Chemical & elemental evolution

  • Content: nucleosynthesis; elemental evolution models; abundance measures; cosmic dust evolution.
  • Confirmed speaker: Donatella ROMANO (INAF, Bologna, Italy).

Lecture 10 — A review about what we can learn from simulations of galaxies

  • Content: state-of-the art simulations of galaxy evolution; the treatment of ISM physics; comparing simulations to observations.
  • Confirmed speaker:  

Part III. Observations

Lecture 11 — Distant galaxies with the JWST

  • Content: introduction to observational galaxy evolution; the current challenges brought by the observations of the most distant objects; how can observations of nearby galaxies help us understand distant galaxies, and vice versa? The latest JWST results.
  • Confirmed speaker: 

Lecture 12 — The radio wavelength ISM / galaxy science

  • Content: HI science; the radio continuum; the SKA perspective.
  • Confirmed speaker: 

Lecture 13 — Magnetic fields in the MW & nearby galaxies

  • Content: origin of the interstellar magnetic field; dynamical role of the magnetic field in the ISM; role of the magnetic field in star formation; dust polarization; Faraday tomography.
  • Confirmed speaker: Kate PATTLE (University College London, UK).

Lecture 14 — Astrochemistry in nearby galaxies and the connection to high-z

  • Content: chemistry in dense clouds; tracing the molecular gas in galaxies; a review of ALMA results about dense molecular gas in galaxies.
  • Confirmed speaker: Serena VITI (University of Leiden, Netherlands).

Lecture 15 — UV-visible ISM / galaxy studies

  • Content: abundance and depletion studies; dust attenuation; a review of MUSE studies of the nearby Universe; the LUVOIR prospective.
  • Confirmed speaker: Danielle BERG (University of Texas, Austin, USA).
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